Since the damage comes from sun exposure strict sun protection is necessary. Additionally a skin rejuvenation cream such as Neocutis Journee or SkinMedica TNS complex is recommended to continue the rejuvenation process. A maintenance IPL treatment once or twice a year can also be helpful.
The IPL is a complex machine and if used incorrectly can cause adverse effects. In skilled hands the IPL treatment is very safe. All IPL treatments at Advanced Specialty Care are evaluated by a physician and are performed under physician supervision.
First a cool gel is applied to the skin. Then there is a series of light pulses that feel like a mild heating of the skin. The treatment takes 15- 20 minutes. Afterwards there is often a mild redness of the skin that lasts for a few hours. Discomfort is minimal and patients return to their daily activities immediately. The treated blood vessels and brown spots may appear temporarily darker and will fade over 1-2 weeks. Sun protection before and after the treatment is very important.
The IPL targets the enlarged blood vessels and abnormal brown pigment in the skin. It can destroy this damage gradually reducing it over a series of 3-4 treatments. Patients see a 70-90% improvement in redness, brown color and skin tone.
As we age, the effects of sun damage become more apparent. People get red and brown blotches on their skin. The skin becomes rough and develops uneven skin tones. We all associate this with “looking older”. Using the lumenis M22 IPL machine much of this sun damage can be reversed. The intense pulsed light (IPL) targets this damage and can restore a more youthful skin appearance. This treatment is often called a photofacial.
Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery services are available at our Danbury, New Milford, Norwalk, Ridgefield and Soutbury offices.
Your skin may become red and swollen. This may be a normal reaction and can last from an hour to several hours to a few days following treatment. Application of cold compress or ice for the first 24 hours will help minimize swelling. Freckles and sunspots may turn darker initially and then flake off eventually. This is normal and expected. Light scabbing or crusting may occur and is normal. Apply a topical antibiotic ointment as directed. If your skin blisters or becomes painful, please call the Advanced Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery office:
(203) 438-5080.
IPL technology helps to reverse the sign of aging creating smoother looking skin, it evens out the skin tone and texture. After a series of treatments, you will see a reduction of unwanted pigmentation and broken capillaries. The same treatment can be used effectively to treat the face, neck, chest, arms and hands; and also non-facial spider veins.
While there are many laser treatments, most will address either brown pigmentation or broken capillaries. IPL technology allows both vascular and benign pigmented lesions to be addressed in a single treatment without interruption in your busy lifestyle.
Depending on the number of conditions you are treating, and the severity of the individual problems, you may need multiple treatments that can be done four to six weeks apart. Treatment with IPL can create a marked difference in your skin that can continue to improve for weeks after the IPL treatment. You are usually able to resume your normal activities immediately after the treatment.
Intense Pulse Light (IPL) is a treatment that addresses a variety of benign skin conditions such as photo damage, broken blood vessels, pigmentation and other blemishes. It is a safe, noninvasive treatment that can be tailored to meet your particular needs.
Many people report seeing visible skin refinement and an even, radiant skin tone after just one treatment. The smooth results and hydration may last five to seven days or even longer. A series of six treatments are recommended for improving the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, acne and oily skin. After your first series of treatments, you may want to maintain your results with a HydraFacial treatment every two to four weeks.
The HydraFacial treatment is a fast, efficient treatment that takes as little as 15 minutes. The treatment is often described as a feeling like “a cool paintbrush moving over the face”. You may put on make-up and return to your normal activities right after the treatment since there is no downtime.
The HydraFacial treatment is designed for all skin types. Even the most sensitive skin easily tolerates the HydraFacial treatment. Your physician or skincare professional may choose specific treatment serums and/or customize the treatment for your unique skin conditions and needs. Consult your physician or skincare professional for a skin evaluation and sensitivity test.
Hydration is the foundation of healthy, radiant skin. Irritation of the skin has been proven to increase signs of aging. The HydraFacial is a hydrating and non-irritating treatment.
The HydraFacial™ treatment is a new breakthrough in aesthetic technology. It takes its name from the root word Hydrate: to cause to take up moisture. This ability to moisturize the skin separates the HydraFacial from all other skin resurfacing procedures. The HydraFacial™ treatment uses an abrasive tip to remove dead skin cells and extracts impurities while simultaneously bathing the new skin with cleansing, hydrating and moisturizing serums. The treatment is soothing, refreshing, non-irritating and immediately effective.
Eye itching may occur immediately after use, but should usually last only for a short period of time (one to two weeks during initial use). Eye itching alone is not an allergic reaction, and does not mean that your eyes are being harmed. Consult your doctor if the itching persists or you notice other symptoms as well.
Eye redness may occur immediately after use, but should usually last only for a short period of time. Eye redness alone is not an allergic reaction or inflammation, and does not mean that your eyes are being harmed. Please use the LATISSE applicators as instructed to help to minimize the occurrence of eye redness.
There is a potential for increased brown iris pigmentation that is likely to be permanent.
This is a condition where the pressure inside the eye is higher than normal. LATISSE may decrease IOP. So talk to your doctor if you are using IOP-lowering medications. Concurrent administration of LATISSE and certain IOP-lowering medications in ocular hypertensive patients should be closely monitored for changes in intraocular pressure.
This is a common, usually harmless condition in which areas of skin become darker than the surrounding skin color. This occurs when there is an increase in the melanin, the brown pigmentation that produces normal skin color, in the skin. Skin hyperpigmentation is a possible side effect of LATISSE but may be reversible after discontinuation of the product.
Active ingredient: bimatoprost
Inactive ingredients: benzalkonium chloride; sodium chloride; sodium phosphate, dibasic; citric acid; and purified water. Sodium hydroxide and/or hydrochloric acid may be added to adjust pH. The pH during its shelf life ranges from 6.8-7.8
Do not use LATISSE solution if you are allergic to one of its ingredients.
LATISSE solution is an ophthalmic drug product. If any gets into the eye, it is not expected to cause harm. They eye should not be rinsed.
The most common side effects after using LATISSE solution are an itching sensation in the eyes and/or eye redness. This was reported in approximately 4% of patients. The solution may cause other less common side effects, which typically occur on the skin close to where it is applied, or in the eyes. These include skin darkening, eye irritation, dryness of the eyes, and redness of the eyelids.
If you stop using LATISSE your eyelashes are expected to return to their previous appearance over several weeks to moths.
If you miss an application or a few, don’t try to catch up. Just apply the LATISSE treatment the next evening and stay on schedule.
LATISSE solution is the first and only prescription treatment approved by the FDA for inadequate or not having enough eyelashes, growing them longer, fuller and darker.
No, LATISSE does not work in place of mascaras. It is a solution treatment for inadequate or not enough lashes and requires a prescription from a doctor. However, mascara can be used on your eyelashes in addition to LATISSE.
LATISSE users may see results starting at 8 weeks with full results at 12 to 16 weeks. The growth is gradual overnight, over time.
A clinical trial of LATISSE was conducted on patients who applied the product to the base of their upper lashes only. Applied nightly, the transfer of LATISSE solution from the upper to lower eyelid may occur naturally because the eyelids are closed and the eyelashes touch each other. Over application may increase the chance of experiencing side effects. To ensure safety and maximize effectiveness, please follow the directions provided.
You should always only use the FDA-approved sterile applicators to apply LATISSE solution directly to the base of your upper eyelashes. The applicators have been specially designed and manufactured to meet FDA standards, and ensure that the correct dose of LATISSE is applied.
LATISSE solution is a once-a-day treatment you apply yourself each evening to the base of the upper eyelashes. You should always only use the FDA-approved sterile applicators to apply LATISSE directly to the base of your upper eyelashes. The applicators have been specially designed and manufactured to meet FDA standards.
LATISSE is believed to affect the growth phase of the eyelash hair cycle in two ways: first, it increases the length of this phase; and second, it increases the number of hairs in this growth phase. The exact way it works is unknown.
Hyptrichosis is another name for having inadequate or not enough eyelashes.
LATISSE solution is a prescription treatment for hypotrichosis used to grow eyelashes, making them longer, thicker and darker.
Depending on the area of treatment and your tolerance, you may be able to use an anesthetic cream. Your practitioner will discuss this with you at the time of consultation.
You should take gentle care of the lasered area with mild soaps, non-abrasive cleansers. Cooled aloe is calming to the area.
Typically, you will feel warmth on your skin and another sensation, which feels much like a soft rubber-band snap. This second sensation is the absorption of the laser energy by the follicle. Your practitioner will explain these sensations in detail during your consultation and throughout your treatment sessions.
During the laser treatment your skin is cooled with a chilled gel to release the heat from the laser. After treatment your skin is cooled with a cold compress or towel and chilled Aloe Vera gel is applied. Some patients have redness that lasts for a short time after their treatment. Most of the time the redness is gone within an hour or even less.
You should not wax, use electrolysis or lightening products for at least one month prior to consult or treatment. Depending on the treatment area, you may shave or clip the hair a day or two before your first treatment. You cannot be tan during any phase of treatment; this includes usage of tanning products as well.
This is dependent on your skin type, hair color and hair growth phase. The laser will destroy the hair follicle during a certain phase of the hair growth cycle. Typically, 20% of your hair will be in the phase during your treatment. Treatments are scheduled 4-6 weeks apart in order to treat the follicles accordingly. Your practitioner will discuss in detail during your consultation and throughout your treatment.
Cost of treatment depends on size of surface area and amount of treatment time. Hair removal on a man’s back, for example, takes considerably more time than hair removal on a woman’s upper lip. We invite you to call us at (203) 791-9661 and ask for laser hair removal pricing. Just let us know which area(s) you’re interested in and whether the service is for a woman or a man.
A skin test is performed on all patients in order to determine your therapeutic dosage and treatment range. Your laser practitioner will discuss all elements of what to expect with you prior, during and after the skin test. Typically, you will return in 2-4 weeks to evaluate the results of the skin test and administer the first treatment.
The laser selectively targets the melanin (pigment) in your hair, which will absorb the energy and destroy the follicle. The laser does not affect follicles without hair. The strength of the laser treatment is customized for each patient to assure effective exfoliation with minimal skin effects.
Our practitioners are Registered Nurses in conjunction with an attending Plastic Surgeon.
All of our chemical peels are performed in our office by our Board Certified Plastic Surgeons (TCA Peel) or by our aestheticians at the Skincare & Laser Clinic.
If you would like to improve the overall smoothness of your skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, you are a candidate for one of the many peels that we offer.
Chemical peels are performed on the face, neck or hands. They can be used to:
- Reduce fine lines under the eyes and around the mouth
- Treat wrinkles caused by sun damage, aging and hereditary factors
- Improve the appearance of mild scarring
- Treat certain types of acne
- Reduce age spots, freckles and dark patches (melasma) due to pregnancy or taking birth control pills
- Improve the look and feel of skin that is dull in texture and color
A compression garment is worn at the end of the procedure to reduce swelling. Pain is typically well controlled with medication. Any swelling or bruising will subside over the first week or two. The results will continue to improve over the following weeks as any residual swelling subsides and the skin shrinks to fit the body’s new contour. Normal activities can be resumed after several weeks.
The scars from liposuction alone are very small and well accepted. More severe problems require direct excision through longer incisions. The scars from this are placed around the areola and are well hidden after they fade.
Most insurance plans do not pay for the surgery at this time. We encourage you to check with your own company to review their policies.
Gynecomastia surgery is performed on an outpatient basis. A compressive garment must be worn post-operatively. Most patients resume normal activities in a day or two. Upper body exercise is not permitted for 4 weeks.
Breast reduction does not increase the risk of developing breast cancer. Mammograms can still be performed in the future.
The majority of patients maintain or regain normal nipple sensation following surgery.
Most patients can breast feed following reduction surgery. However, it is also common to need to supplement with formula as the baby grows.
Routine everyday activities can be resumed after 4-7 days. Exercise and heavy lifting are to be avoided for 4 weeks.
Breast reduction surgery is usually an outpatient procedure. Post-operative pain is well controlled with medications. Sometimes drains are required. These are removed in the office a few days later. Walking is encouraged but heavy activities are not allowed for a few weeks. A sports-bra is recommended after the procedure.
The most common type of reduction results in incisions around each nipple and under each breast. These incisions usually fade with time and are well hidden.
An exact size from reduction surgery cannot be guaranteed beforehand. The surgeon can give you a general idea following consultation. The surgeon’s goal is to achieve the best size and appearance for each patient in a safe manner. Overall, there is a very high satisfaction rate following breast reduction.
In most situations, it is possible to have radiation and/or chemotherapy. However, patients should ask their surgeon and/or oncologist this question directly. It is also imperative that members of the health care team communicate on this issue so that everyone understands the full treatment plan.
For patients with breast implant reconstructions, exercise can usually be resumed within 4 to 6 weeks.
In general, most patients will be able to return to work within 4 to 6 weeks after their reconstructive procedure.
Most surgeons use sutures that are dissolvable and never need to come out. However, if permanent (i.e. non-dissolvable) sutures are used, they can usually be removed at around 7 to 10 days postoperatively.
Depending on the type of reconstruction, you may be able to bathe or shower within 5 to 7 days.
This will depend on the type of reconstruction but the average can be 2-3 weeks. It usually takes four to six weeks before resuming more strenuous activities or returning to work.
There are some common things to expect after any type of surgical procedure that leaves a scar somewhere on the body. Depending on the type of reconstruction, the scar can be located in several different areas. For most patients, scars heal well and become faint with time. However, in some patients the scar can remain red and thickened. In addition, sometimes, small nerves, which provide sensation to the skin, are damaged during the procedures. This may cause changes in sensation, including numbness. Of course, there is always some degree of pain after these reconstructive procedures, but most times it only lasts for a few days and is well managed with analgesics (i.e. “pain killers”).
There are also some possible complications that are associated with surgery in general. All surgical procedures carry the possibility of considerable blood loss, requiring a blood transfusion. Fortunately, this occurs very rarely in reconstructive breast surgery. Since surgery involves opening the skin, all surgical procedures also have a risk of infection. Again, this is rare in breast reconstruction and when it does occur, it is often treated adequately with antibiotics. Other more rare, but serious complications include a blood clot or embolus, pneumonia, or an unexpected response (or allergic reaction) to certain drugs or anesthetics.
Depending on the type of reconstruction, it can take anywhere from 2-3 hours.
Routine everyday activities can be resumed after 4-7 days. Exercise and heavy lifting are to be avoided for 4 weeks.
A breast lift is usually an outpatient procedure. The incisions are around the areola and may extend farther under the breast, depending on how much excess skin is present. Pain is normally a minor complaint and is well controlled with medication.
The specific size of breast you will have is determined following examination by your surgeon. An ideal size is recommended based on the your wishes and specific anatomic nuances.
Patients who have a large amount of skin laxity in the breast cannot undergo placement of an implant alone (augmentation). Sometimes, these patients also require removal of extra skin and placement of the nipple in a more desirable position.
Although patients go home following surgery, most feel tired for the next 24 to 48 hours. Any pain is usually controlled by the medications prescribed. Stitches are removed at 7-10 days. Patients can normally return to work in a few days, although exercise and strenuous activity may not be allowed for several weeks.
Breast augmentation is most commonly performed using general anesthesia, so patients can sleep through the operation. Some patients may also be candidates for sedation and local anesthesia.
The surgery is performed by placing an implant beneath the breast tissue on the chest. There are several incisions that can be used. Incisions can be made in the lower part of the skin of the breast, around the areola, or in the armpit. Your surgeon can discuss with you the advantages of each incision.
The implants can be placed either above or below the pectoralis muscle on the chest wall. There may be specific anatomic reasons or conditions where one approach is superior to another. Again, speak to your surgeon about each approach. The procedure usually takes one to two hours to complete. Patients go home the same day.
The majority of patients experience no change in breast sensation following surgery.
Before surgery, patients are screened for breast cancer. Having implants does not increase a patient’s risk of developing breast cancer.
Mammograms can be performed after surgery using specialized techniques that allow for excellent visualization of the breasts.
Currently available implants are very safe. No connection has been found to any chronic conditions.
The scars from body reduction surgery usually fade well with time and are well accepted by patients.
The recovery period depends on the specific surgery performed. Patients can resume normal activities usually within a week following arm lifts and breast lifts. Abdominoplasties and thigh lifts require an additional week or two of recuperation.
Because the risks associated with surgery increase with surgical time, not all procedures can be done at one time. Your doctor can discuss the safest way to achieve your goals.
Insurance will sometimes cover the costs of surgery. Approvals are usually on an individual basis. We will advocate for coverage in cases where there are functional problems associated with the excess skin.
In general, patients should be at a stable weight for three to six months prior to undertaking surgery.
Patients will notice improvement in body shape shortly after surgery. They typically report that clothes fit better, and they have more confidence about their appearance.
A compression garment is placed at the end of the procedure to reduce swelling. Pain is typically well controlled with medication. Any swelling or bruising will subside over the first week or two. The results will continue to improve over the following weeks as any residual swelling subsides and the skin shrinks to fit the body’s new contour. Normal activities can be resumed after several weeks.
Liposuction can be performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on the extent of surgery. First, one or more incisions are made near the area to be treated. A solution containing local anesthetic, saline, and adrenaline is then infused into the area. Next, the fat cells are suctioned away permanently. Finally, the incisions are closed.
Liposuction is extremely safe when performed by a qualified surgeon in a well-equipped operating room.
The best candidate for liposuction is someone who is close to his or her desired weight and who has localized fat deposits resistant to diet and exercise. Multiple areas of fat can be treated at the same setting. Unfortunately, it is not a treatment for obesity.
Overall, you can expect improved balance and proportion in the contour of the arm. A natural and presentable appearance will become more visible after the first week and will gradually improve further over the next three to six months.
Please note that the natural aging process will eventually affect the whole body, including the area treated in this procedure. Still, the contouring effects of arm lifts are typically long lasting, and most people are very pleased with their results.
After the procedure you may feel a little groggy. Your arm will be placed in a special compression garment to help the newly sculpted skin adhere to the tissue underneath. You will probably have several layers of stitches on the upper arm, possibly with a drain inserted to help the skin to adhere to the underlying tissue. Some of the stitches will be absorbable, and some may have to be removed during a follow-up visit. After a brief stay in the recovery room, you will be allowed to go home.
For the first week following surgery, avoid strenuous activity, including bending and lifting. You will be able to shower on the third day after surgery. The swelling is mild to moderate, and peaks at two to three days. Any stitches that are not absorbed will be removed after about a week. Some grogginess may persist for 5-7 days.
While each person’s recovery is unique, the recovery period after an arm lift generally lasts one to two weeks. You’ll probably be able to return to work in a week, and resume exercise within two weeks. Strenuous workouts and contact sports can be engaged in after about four weeks.
An arm lift is typically performed in an ambulatory surgical facility.
An arm lift typically takes about two hours. You will then be monitored in the recovery room and allowed to go home the same day.
An arm lift improves the contours of the upper arm with incisions typically placed in the inner arm area. Firming is achieved through liposuction and skin removal.
A tight fitting garment is worn around the waist to reduce swelling. Drains may also be used for one week to reduce swelling and bruising. Post-operative pain is well controlled by analgesics. Most people can return to work within a week. Patients should avoid strenuous activities for 4-6 weeks following the procedure. The scars fade with time and are well hidden.
Abdominoplasty is performed by making a horizontal incision just above the pubis. The length of the incision varies depending on the amount of excess skin to be removed. The excess skin and fat is pulled down and excised. An incision may also be necessary around the navel. The abdominal muscles are examined through the incision and can be tightened to improve the contour of the waistline. Liposuction can also be performed as an adjunct to the procedure. is a great source to find more information about the product. To get more personalized information, the best thing to do is to schedule a consultation with us.
There is very little to no downtime involved in a Radiesse procedure. In fact, most patients return to their normal, daily activities right after their visit. Every patient is unique, so be sure to discuss your plans with your physician during your consultation.
Just like any injection, you may experience mild irritation, swelling, itching, redness, bruising or tenderness at the injection site. These typically resolve on their own. If any of these side effects persist, contact us immediately.
Radiesse wrinkle filler is FDA approved, and has undergone rigorous testing in clinical studies to prove its safety. Our office has safely and effectively used Radiesse on many patients and highly recommends this product.
Radiesse is FDA approved to mix with lidocaine (an anesthetic). That means you can experience a more comfortable wrinkle treatment. In fact, in a clinical study, using Radiesse wrinkle filler mixed with lidocaine significantly reduced pain in 90% of patients treated.
That is the best part about Radiesse wrinkle filler – it is affordable for everyone! Because of multiple syringe sizes, Radiesse can treat a broad range of patients based on their individual needs. Just one syringe can provide full correction! After your consultation, we will be able to determine what syringe size is best for you and provide you with a customized cost estimate.
Not only does Radiesse provide immediate correction, the natural, beautiful results may last a year or more in many patients.
Instantly! Immediately upon injection, Radiesse restores volume to smooth out the signs of aging.
Once injected, Radiesse wrinkle filler fills or replenishes volume lost over time for a more refreshed looking you. Then it goes to work stimulating your body to produce its own natural collagen. Over time, your body absorbs the product and leaves behind only your own natural collagen for long-lasting results.
Radiesse® filler is the only calcium-based filler that stimulates collagen production for long-lasting results. It also has the unique ability to treat a broad range of patients no matter how moderate or severe their wrinkles are. Just one Radiesse syringe can provide the full correction you need!
Radiesse wrinkle filler is injected into the skin in a simple, safe, quick procedure that can even be done over your lunch hour. Injections are more comfortable because Radiesse has been FDA approved for mixing with lidocaine, a kind of anesthetic.
Radiesse wrinkle filler is made of tiny calcium-based microspheres that are suspended in a natural, water-based gel. These calcium-based microspheres are similar to a mineral that is found naturally in your body so allergy testing is not required. Over time, your body absorbs these tiny microspheres and the gel and leaves behind only your natural collagen.
Radiesse® wrinkle filler is an injectable filler that works by immediately restoring facial volume to smooth out signs of aging. Once injected, it works with your body to stimulate the production of your own natural collagen for results that may last a year or more in many patients.
Juvederm Voluma XC helps restore contour for up to 2 years.
Juvederm Voluma XC instantly adds volume to the cheek area with natural-looking results.
To reduce pain during the procedure, Juvederm Voluma XC contains a numbing agent called Lidocaine.
Juvederm Voluma XC is injected under the skin with a small needle. It works instantly to add volume and subtly lift the cheek area, temporarily reversing this sign of aging.
Juvederm Voluma™ XC is the first and only FDA-approved filler to instantly add volume to the cheek area in people over the age of 21.
You need to discuss the following important treatment considerations with your physician in order to help avoid unsatisfactory results and complications:
- Patients who are using substances that can prolong bleeding, such as aspirin or ibuprofen, as with any injection, may experience increased bruising or bleeding at the injection site. You should inform your physician before treatment if you are using these types of substances.
- If laser treatment, chemical peeling, or any other procedure based on active dermal response is considered after treatment with Juvederm® Injectable gel, there is a possible risk of an inflammatory reaction at the treatment site
- Juvederm should be used with caution in patients on immunosuppressive therapy, or therapy used to decrease the body’s immune response, as there may be an increased risk of infection
- The safety of Juvederm for use during pregnancy, in breastfeeding females, or in patients under 18 years has not been established
- The safety of Juvederm in patients with a history of excessive scarring (e.g., hypertrophic scarring and keloid formations) and pigmentation disorders has not been studied.
Your physician will ask about your medical history to determine if you are an appropriate candidate for treatment. Juvederm should not be used in patients who have:
- Severe allergies marked by a history of anaphylaxis or history or presence of multiple severe allergies
- A history of allergies to Gram-positive bacterial proteins
Most side effects are mild or moderate in nature, and their duration is short lasting (7 days or less). The most common side effects include, but are not limited to, temporary injection-site reactions such as: redness, pain/tenderness, firmness, swelling, lumps/bumps, bruising, itching, and discoloration. As with all skin-injection procedures, there is a risk of infection.
Juvederm injectable gel is injected into areas of facial tissue where moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds occur to temporarily adds volume to facial tissue and restores a smoother appearance to the face. Juvederm® Ultra injectable gel temporarily adds volume to the skin and may give the appearance of a smoother surface. Most patients need one treatment to achieve optimal wrinkle smoothing, and the results last about 9 months to 1 year.
Juvederm® injectable gel is a colorless hyaluronic acid gel that is injected into facial tissue to smooth wrinkles and folds, especially around the nose and mouth. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring sugar found in the human body. The role of hyaluronic acid in the skin is to deliver nutrients, hydrate the skin by holding in water, and to act as a cushioning agent.
Only our Board Certified Plastic Surgeons will administer your Botox® Cosmetic treatment.
Visible results have been shown to last up to 4 months. Your own results may vary.
Within days, you may see a marked improvement in the moderate to severe frown lines between your brows. Lines continue to improve for up to 30 days, and results can last for up to 4 months. Individual results may vary.
Botox® Cosmetic is administered by our Board Certified Plastic Surgeons as a simple, nonsurgical treatment. It is a prescription medicine that is injected into directly into muscles between the brows and used to improve the look of moderate to severe frown lines between the eyebrows in people 18 to 65 years of age for a short period of time. Botox works by blocking nerve impulses to the injected muscles. This reduces muscle activity that causes moderate to severe lines to form between the brows.
Instantly! Immediately upon injection when treated to full correction, BELOTERO BALANCE® Dermal Filler plumps the skin and smoothes away lines and wrinkles.
While BELOTERO BALANCE® Dermal Filler is made of the same material (hyaluronic acid) as some other dermal fillers, it has unique properties that allow it to adapt within the skin for soft and even correction. Its versatility makes it strong enough to handle deep treatment areas such as nasolabial folds (smile lines around the mouth), yet soft enough to treat more delicate areas such as vertical lip lines (thin lines that appear above the lip line).
BELOTERO BALANCE® Dermal Filler is made of a material called hyaluronic acid or HA. HA naturally exists as a component of your skin. By binding to water, it plumps and fills in wrinkles and folds, allowing immediate and smooth correction.
BELOTERO BALANCE® Dermal Filler is an injectable filler that quickly integrates into your skin. Once injected, it instantly smoothes the lines and wrinkles in your face.
When your procedure is completed, your forehead may be taped and your head may be loosely wrapped to minimize swelling and bruising. A thin tube may be present to drain any excess blood or fluid that may collect under the skin. Initial wound healing may take 5 to 10 days, at which time any sutures or clips will be removed, if necessary. You will be ready to return to work and normal activities at this time. Healing will continue for several weeks as the swelling disappears and the incision lines start to fade away. Sun protection will be essential during your recovery until your healing process is fully complete.
A brow lift may take two hours or more depending on the extent of the rejuvenation and methods used. Results appear gradually as swelling and bruising subside to reveal smoother forehead skin and a more youthful, restful appearance.
Incisions are typically concealed within the hair or natural contours of the face. Brow lift incisions are typically closed with removable sutures, skin adhesives, surgical tape or special clips.
A cosmetic improvement can be performed at the same time as functional nasal surgery. There is usually an additional fee for the cosmetic portion. We can give you more information regarding your particular situation following a consultation.
Insurance does not usually cover the cost of surgery that is purely for cosmetic reasons. Surgery to correct or improve nasal function or surgery to correct a deformity or injury may be covered. We try our best to be your advocate to obtain insurance coverage for legitimate functional problems of the nose.
The surgery is an outpatient procedure. Most patients only require a small bandage. The swelling resolves within one to two weeks. Patients typically return to normal activities within a few weeks.
There is some discomfort following surgery, but this is well controlled with medications.
There is some swelling and bruising around the eyes following surgery. Ice is applied to the area for 24 hours to reduce swelling. Patients typically do not experience much pain following the procedure. They can resume day-to-day activities within a short time. The swelling and bruising subsides over the first week and patients can begin applying makeup at that time. Exercise can be resumed after several weeks.
Eyelid surgery is usually performed using local anesthetic supplemented by sedation. The incisions are well hidden in the natural creases of the eyelids. Any excess skin, fat, and hypertrophied muscle is removed. Very fine sutures are used to close the incisions.
There are other cosmetic problems that contribute to the overall appearance of the eyes. These may not be corrected by eyelid surgery alone. For example, a sagging brow may require a forehead lift. Fine wrinkles (crow’s feet) around the eyes can be improved with chemical peels or laser resurfacing. Also, bleaching agents can be used to lighten the appearance of dark circles.
Most patients have eyelid surgery to minimize the effects of aging. Others may require surgery because drooping upper eyelid skin impedes their vision. In this instance, insurance may cover the costs of surgery.
It is difficult to predict exactly how long the results of a facelift will last, although patients are usually pleased with their appearance for many years after surgery.
Patients are advised to rest at home with their head elevated for the first 24 hours after surgery. Pain is usually well controlled with prescribed medications. The swelling in the face normally peaks within the first several days and then gradually subsides over one to two weeks. The bandage will be changed within the first week and any external sutures will be removed. Makeup can be worn to conceal any discoloration. Patients usually return to light activity within a few days and can begin strenuous exercise after 4-6 weeks.
A facelift is commonly performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation. Incisions are made above the hairline in the temple and extend down in front of the ear and around the ear to the lower scalp. The scars, once healed are well hidden in natural creases. The skin and other tissues of the face and neck are separated, tightened, and re-sutured to achieve the desired result. The muscle in the neck may also be tightened. A soft bandage is placed around the face after the procedure.